News and Blogs

Untapped potential of nature-based activities for mental health: need for further research
This paper by Judy L. Wong and Richard A. Powell is part of a special issue "Climate Crisis and Mental Health", International Review of Psychiatry. It can be downloaded free for six months from 26 September 2022

Young Green and Well
Parks for London has just published a report on the impact of green spaces and parks on the mental health of young people.
Why Black Environment Network (BEN) ?
We work for change through influencing policy, raising awareness of the needs and wishes of diverse communities, and supporting environmental organisations to gain the knowledge and skills to work effectively with minorities through training and consultancy.
Looking forward to 2 million green jobs
The UK Government has pledged to invest £12billion and create 2 million green jobs as part of its legal commitment to net zero. A Delivery Group is now in place. Get involved to ensure access to introductory events that enable access to training and jobs.